Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Boosting Fertility Naturally

Many couples trying for a baby who struggle to conceive often go down the medical route and opt for expensive IVF treatment. But it’s proven that eating the correct foods could be just as effective and a lot more affordable. Whether it is the woman or the man with a fertility problem, if you are trying to conceive, it is essential that both partners try to eat as healthily as possible. Trying to conceive is a frustrating process but there are things you can do to increase your chance of success.

Smoking, drinking heavily, certain medications prescription or otherwise, can sometimes have an undesirable impact on fertility. An unhealthy lifestyle, poor diet and lack of physical activity will also reduce your chances of conceiving. A diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals will ensure that you have a greater chance of conceiving successfully.  For maximum sperm production and effective hormone function, you need a diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals, by making sure to include these foods in your diet it will dramatically increase your fertility;

Whole Grains
Complex carbohydrates like brown rice, whole wheats and oats are rich in Vitamins B and E. These vitamins boost healthy sperm production, cell reproduction and help to maintain hormone balance.

Red peppers, carrots, oatmeal, dried apricots
A Vitamin A deficiency can lower fertility and affect sperm motility, by eating foods with a large Vitamin A content such as red peppers, carrots, oatmeal and dried apricots it will help to produce healthy sperm and improve the movement.

Peas, cooked tomatoes, asparagus and strawberries
The vitamin C found in these foods aid the motility and viability (the speed and how efficiently the sperm swim). The antioxidants also help to increase sperm count by helping to decrease the amount of harmful free radicals in the body.

Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds are full of zinc and essential fatty acids that boost the reproduction system. It is recommended to eat or add half a cup of Pumpkin seeds a day to your food to achieve the full benefit.

Avocado is a potent antioxidant that improves the quality and quantity of sperm. It is one of the richest natural sources of Vitamin E and unsaturated fats which is vital for healthy hormone functioning.

Full Fat Dairy Products
It may seem like an unhealthy choice but the abundant supply of calcium in full fat dairy products are great for healthy strong bones, the blood and the nervous system. Making full fat milk an effective way of boosting fertility.

Honey is a very well-known fertility booster; it is naturally rich in amino acids and minerals that keeps your reproductive system functioning normally making you more fertile.

Incubationer LTD

Does Your Man Need A Male Enhancement Pill?

Even if you love your man and have an otherwise happy relationship if his sex skills leave a lot to be desired it can spell trouble for your relationship.

If you find yourself lying back and counting down the minutes until it’s over the whole time and having to fake an orgasm every time you and your partner have sex, then it’s a sure-fire sign that your sex life needs some assistance.

It’s not always easy to admit that he’s just not satisfying you, not without hurting his feelings and knocking his confidence but honesty is always the best policy in the long run, pretending things are great in the bedroom when they obviously aren’t will lead to resentment and a lot of sexual frustration and possibly the end of your relationship.

Sex shouldn’t be boring. If it’s that the sex is routine, same old positions, suggest with your partner that you try something you wouldn’t usually or ask if there are any positions he would like to try. Even a small change can add spice to your sex life. Even having sex in a different room in the house can make a difference. Get out of the comfort zone and do something totally out of the ordinary. Find out what your partner likes and make him aware of your likes and dislikes, by communicating with each other your sex life will turn around.  What men want and what women want can be very different, so if you don’t like something your partner does – tell him.

If your partner has difficulties achieving and keeping an erection, coming too soon or not coming at all or suffers from weak ejaculations and struggles to orgasm, whatever the cause, consider the use of a male enhancement pill. Despite the doubts of male enhancement products, there are many medically approved products available that have clinically proven benefits to sexual health and can dramatically improve love-making.

Performer5 is one highly recommended volume pill that has a whole host of benefits that are as effective as prescription based drugs without the harmful side effects. The powerful all-natural formula containing an array of herbs and nutrients specially selected to boost male potency, virility, help to maintain strong, solid erections, promote long-lasting orgasms and improve ejaculation quality and power. Performer5 can transform your man’s performance, effectively, safely and quickly.

Incubationer LTD

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Spunk Up Your Sex Life

Is your man not producing enough semen?
Are his ejaculations weak? Does he struggle to climax?

Low semen volume can be quite overlooked as it may not be one that women would usually associate with bad sex. But low semen volume can drastically affect a man’s confidence, self-esteem, ejaculations and fertility so therefore; his sexual performance will suffer as a result.

If low semen volume is playing havoc with your sex life, then you’ll be pleased to know there are ways that you and your partner can ‘Spunk’ up your sex life and put back that much needed ‘pizzazz’.


If your partner is producing limited amount of semen and has weak ejaculations and there are no medical reasons, your partner needs to up his daily fluid intake. He should swop his afternoon pint for water. The more water your partner consumes, the better the quality and quantity of semen and the more powerful the ejaculation and the more ‘spunk’ there will be!

Eat well

He should eat more fruit and veg and less processed foods. Food in general can be a great aphrodisiac and is great for getting couples in the mood, you should try implementing fruit into your bedroom activities, not only is it healthy for both of you but makes sex that little bit more fun and will help to spice up your sex life.

Take time out

3. Make sure your partner is as relaxed and chilled out as possible. Stress as well as pressure in the bedroom can impact on his overall well-being and affect production of semen. Unwind with each other after a long day, give your partner a massage, enjoy a candlelit bath together, by setting a nice relaxing environment, his sexual performance will be improved.

Get in the mood

4. Instead of rushing straight into the main event, spend longer on foreplay. Even just kissing and cuddling gets the pulses racing and when it comes to intercourse, taking away the urgency from your man to perform on demand straight away, just the extra time to warm up can make all the difference.

Abstain for a few days

 Get him to refrain from masturbation or any other sexual activity too frequently.  Masturbating everyday will mean when it comes to having sex his semen volume will be lower, abstaining from this for a few days in-between sex gives the body a chance to replenish its levels of semen meaning bigger ejaculations.

Male enhancement supplement

Buy him a volume pill supplement.  Volume pill supplements particularly ones containing Zinc and L-Arginine such as Performer5, will help to boost semen production, quality and quantity of sperm, improve quality and hardness of erections and increase libido. When taken daily, Performer5 helps to provide the body with essential nutrients it needs for better sexual performance and healthy semen.

Incubationer LTD

Are His Swimmers Stuck?

Many men take for granted that they are virile and potent, thinking that they are going to be producing children left, right and centre but at least one in 5 men may be “subfertile”.

Contrary to popular belief, it does not just affect older men. Men as young as 18 can be subfertile. If you and your partner have been trying for a baby with little success, there is a chance your man may be subfertile.

Subfertility means that his testes produce an inadequate amount of sperm. The normal amount for a healthy male would be fifteen to 20 million sperm per millilitre of semen. A lot less than this and the sperm could be subfertile, this not only means the amount produced may not be enough to produce a baby but also means that the sperm motility is slow and in some cases, may not move at all. The sperm may also be misshapen. For optimum fertility, more than 4% of sperm should be physically perfect and have good motility (movement of sperm).

Male potency can be affected by a variety of factors, these include:

  • Temperature. Regular saunas, Jacuzzi’s and use of steam rooms. Even using a laptop on your lap or keeping your phone in your pocket can overheat the testicles.

  • Very tight briefs. For optimum sperm production, men should wear boxers to keep the area cool, testicles are outside the body for a reason, and high temperatures drastically affect male potency and production of healthy sperm.

  • Going on a bender. Whether it’s all weekend or just one night a week of binge-drinking, excessive amounts alcohol can prevent the body from absorbing zinc which is essential for strong sperm.

  • Recreational drugs. Even so-called Class B drugs such as Marijuana can make it harder for couples to conceive, but over long-term regular use, a man could become permanently infertile by the use of drugs.

  • Being overweight. If your partner has piled on the pounds recently, warn him that this could cause him to produce extra levels of estrogen which could cause him to become infertile.

Have no fear; even if your man is infertile, in most cases, it can be reversed.

Being properly hydrated, drinking plenty of water, quitting smoking, cutting down the alcohol eating well and getting enough sleep can drastically increase his chances of fertility.

It is worth taking your partner along to the doctor to see if there are any underlying health problems that may be contributing to his lack of sperm, if so; a suitable treatment can be found.

For a natural boost in sperm quality, quantity and motility, your man could try a male volume pill. These botanical formulations contain the very best in male enhancing nutrients. One such pill is Performer5. Enriched with Zinc, L-Arginine and Creatine Monohydrate, it may naturally helps to increase sperm count and semen volume, help him achieve harder erections and provide him with sexual stamina and libido due to higher testosterone levels.

Incubationer LTD