Many men take for granted that they are
virile and potent, thinking that they are going to be producing children left,
right and centre but at least one in 5 men may be “subfertile”.
Contrary to popular belief, it does not
just affect older men. Men as young as 18 can be subfertile. If you and your
partner have been trying for a baby with little success, there is a chance your
man may be subfertile.
Subfertility means that his testes
produce an inadequate amount of sperm. The normal amount for a healthy male
would be fifteen to 20 million sperm per millilitre of semen. A lot less than
this and the sperm could be subfertile, this not only means the amount produced
may not be enough to produce a baby but also means that the sperm motility is
slow and in some cases, may not move at all. The sperm may also be misshapen.
For optimum fertility, more than 4% of sperm should be physically perfect and
have good motility (movement of sperm).
Male potency can be affected by a
variety of factors, these include:
- Temperature.
Regular saunas, Jacuzzi’s and use of steam rooms. Even using a laptop on
your lap or keeping your phone in your pocket can overheat the testicles.
- Very tight briefs.
For optimum sperm production, men should wear boxers to keep the area
cool, testicles are outside the body for a reason, and high temperatures
drastically affect male potency and production of healthy sperm.
- Going on a bender.
Whether it’s all weekend or just one night a week of binge-drinking,
excessive amounts alcohol can prevent the body from absorbing zinc which
is essential for strong sperm.
- Recreational drugs.
Even so-called Class B drugs such as Marijuana can make it harder for
couples to conceive, but over long-term regular use, a man could become permanently
infertile by the use of drugs.
- Being overweight.
If your partner has piled on the pounds recently, warn him that this could
cause him to produce extra levels of estrogen which could cause him to
become infertile.
no fear; even if your man is infertile, in most cases, it can be reversed.
properly hydrated, drinking plenty of water, quitting smoking, cutting down the
alcohol eating well and getting enough sleep can drastically increase his
chances of fertility.
is worth taking your partner along to the doctor to see if there are any
underlying health problems that may be contributing to his lack of sperm, if
so; a suitable treatment can be found.
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