Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Analysis Of Semen

Semen analysis measures the amount of sperm that a man produces and determines the quality. 
Analysis is usually carried out when it is suspected that a man is infertile and cannot have children. A third of couples have difficulties conceiving because of problems with their partner’s semen or sperm.  Another reason for a sperm analysis is to make sure that a Vasectomy has been a success and also whether a reversal vasectomy has worked.  
The tests in sperm analysis consist of: 
Sperm count 
This calculates the amount of sperm present in each millimetre (ml) of sperm in every single ejaculation. 
This will show how much semen exists in one ejaculation. 
Liquefaction time 
Sperm is of a thick almost jelly-like consistency straight after ejaculation which turns to liquid about 20 minutes after. This test shows how long this takes the semen to liquefy. 
Sperm motility  
This measures the amount of sperm that can move forward in a normal way. The number of sperm found in semen that move forward in the usual way can also be measured; this is known as motile density.  
Sperm morphology 
This is to check the percentage of sperm that has the normal shape.  
Ph levels 
The levels of Ph are measured to see how acidic (low pH) or how alkaline (not acidic) the semen is.  
White blood cell count 
This is to check for the abnormal presence of White blood cells, they are not usually found in semen. 
Fructose level 
Semen is full of a natural sugar called Fructose that gives the sperm energy. Measuring the level of Fructose shows how much the semen contains.
Preparing For Semen Analysis
If you are to undergo a semen analysis, there are a few things you will need to do beforehand. Avoid any sexual activity that will result in ejaculation for two to five days before the semen analysis. This ensures that the sperm count will be as high as possible which will make the test more reliable. However, you should not avoid sexual activity for more than two weeks before the test as abstinence for too long a period can cause inactive sperm. You should not drink alcohol a few days before the test and tell your doctor about any medications or supplements you are taking.
Sperm analysis is performed by a semen sample being ejaculated in a small cup. You can do this at home or in the bathroom at a hospital or clinic where you are having the test. The most common way of collecting the sample is by masturbating into the cup. You can also collect a sample after sex by either ejaculating into the cup during sex just before you ejaculate or collecting semen from a condom that can be put in a special air tight container.
What Help Is Available?
For those who do suffer from low or poor semen volume and quality, there are a number of natural volume enhancers that naturally boost the production and quality of semen. Look for products that include Pomegranate, Zinc and L-Arginine as these are clinically proven to increase the level of semen, additionally increasing the blood supply to the penis giving longer-lasting and more powerful erections.

Incubationer LTD

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